Meet Crystal Yu, the voice behind Alter in Apex Legends

With less than a week left for the release of Alter in Apex Legends, the developers at Respawn Entertainment are teasing the upcoming Season 21 content. They have also unveiled the voice actor of the upcoming Skirmisher Class legend, Alter. This will be the 26th addition to the title's Legend roster. Alter can easily dominate the battlefield with her abilities.

Read on to learn more about the voice actor of Alter in Apex Legends.

Crystal Yu has voiced Alter in Apex Legends, the Skirmisher Legend. She is a well-known Hong Kong-British television film and stage actress. Along with being a VA, she's a director and educator.

Crystal was born in Hong Kong, where she went to London at the early age of 11. In London, she was a part of the Elmhurst School of Dance and Performing Arts, formerly known as Elmhurst Ballet School.

Also read: 5 best teams to look for in ALGS 2024, ranked

While Crystal was studying, she debuted as an actress and took various roles in multiple TV series. Some of her notable works are listed in the following section:

Among all the roles, Crystal was nominated for the Female Actress of the Year honor at the BEAM Awards in 2016 because of her work as Lily Chao in Casualty.

Crystal has also acted in several movies, which are listed in the section below:

Read more: How to get ALGS Split 1 Playoffs Twitch Drops

The fourth year of ALGS commenced on May 2, 2024. A total of 40 teams are competing against each other in this tournament to claim the Champions’ trophy and become the best Apex Legends team in the world.

For more articles related to this game, check out the following section:

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Team Legend Entertainment voice actor actress

Apex Legends

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