'They don't want to beat us': Rodri takes dig at Arsenal for conceding Premier League title - Football News

Manchester City midfielder has taken a dig at Arsenal's 'mentality' after the Gunners lost the Premier League (PL) title by two points on Sunday (May 19). City won their fourth consecutive PL trophy with a 3-1 win over West Ham United while Arsenal had to contend with a second-place finish after a hard-fought 2-1 win against Everton at the Emirates Stadium.

Speaking after the match, Rodri pointed out that when Arsenal came knocking at Etihad, they played for a draw, which eventually cost them the title.

«To be honest, I think it's in here [points at his brain]. It's the mentality. [There are] great players all over the league, all over the clubs. Arsenal also deserve [to win], they did an unbelievable season, but I think the difference was in here [points to his head again],» said Rodri.

«When they came here, they faced us at the Etihad, I saw them and said: 'Ah, these guys, they don't want to beat us, they just want a draw.' And that mentality, I don't think we would do it the same way,» he added.

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Man City's sixth title

A win at the time would have given the necessary cushion to Mikel Arteta's men to push for the title. However, the Gunners played an ultra-defensive game by setting up a low block. While the decision was pragmatic, it certainly didn't age well as City went on another marauding, unbeaten run.

«And we caught them. In the end, if you give us one point, we will win the last seven, or eight games even though it's so tough. So I think [the title win] comes down to mentality,» said Rodri.

It was Man City's sixth title in the last seven years, showcasing the domination Pep Guardiola had

League Manager Title UPS Citi Man



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