CS2 community reacts to player's comparison with Valorant, calling it "not as smooth"

Valve has had a few complaints to deal with regarding CS2 during the last couple of weeks. First, it was players complaining about VAC bans not being effective enough, and now, some members of the CS2 community seem to think that the game is not smooth. In a post on the game's subreddit, Redditor u/Clown_Satoyune said that CS2 does not feel "as smooth as Valorant and cs go".

Fans in the comments began having a major discussion about the flaws of the game. One CS2 community member, u/shakedownbg, pointed out that many others are calling the game a host of things from "laggy" to "jerky".

Another fan, u/Infamous-Marshall, reported having a similar experience. They complained that the issue they faced had to do more with the FPS drops during intense gunfights.

Other members of the CS2 community stepped up to provide solutions and potentially help OP fix the problem. Some assumed that the primary issue may have to do with FPS. For this, one Redditor recommended settings that help improve the experience.

Yet another user from the Counter-Strike community was of the opinion that the issue with the smoothness of the game may have been caused by a drop in the frame rate. To prevent this, they recommended that OP cap the FPS from the in-game settings.

Finally, one member of the Counter-Strike community seemed to believe that the issue may have to do with the specs of the PC. They reported not facing any issues and recommended OP lower their graphics settings to help make the game less choppy.

Apart from FPS issues, VAC issues are probably some of the most discussed issues on forums such as Reddit. Fans recently began coming together to report that they lost elo in premier mode after a fellow teammate they played with got banned for

Player Fan community UPS reports recommendations Counter-Strike

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