How to quickly farm Gold in Stellar Blade

Resources like Gold in Stellar Blade, matter greatly in the long run because Eve, who is on the hunt for Naytiba to save humankind, requires a fighting chance that this element can provide. The in-game transactions use Gold as the currency and you may utilize it to buy a range of useful commodities. Ranging from Exospine upgrades, and healing items, to crafting nano suits, Gold will help you out in a wide range of aspects.

For those who want to forget about their currency issues, here's how you can quickly farm Gold in Stellar Blade.

Boxes will be commonly found during exploration. These inclusions are more than ambient decorations as they can contain important minerals, such as Gold. It takes little effort to break them, so destroy every box in sight whenever possible to maximize your Gold gains.

Resting at camps also causes previously destroyed boxes to respawn. You can even play the game at the lowest difficulty to farm these boxes quickly.

Fighting sequences are important as defeating the Naytiba will result in rewards like Gold. Given the numerous conflicts that await, lots of Gold can be mined just by defeating your adversaries.

There is also an important setting unknown to beginners called Auto Loot in the Settings Menu. It allows players to acquire elements without clicking the R2 button since they will be picked up automatically upon passing by enemy loot. This will help them quickly farm Gold in Stellar Blade.

The bulletin board offers a lot of side quests and most of these quests reward with Gold. While some tasks may give you a meager 2,000 Gold, others can reward as much as 20,000 Gold.

These can be combined with certain gear items (Gold Gear available during Boss Challenge mode) that can also boost your

PlayStation 5 Action-adventure Games stellar blade

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