Daniel Anjorin's family say 'we have lost the most loved and amazing son'

The family of a 14-year-old who died in a violent sword attack in London have paid tribute to their 'most loved and amazing son' in a statement issued shortly after football fans paid tribute to the Arsenal-supporting boy at the Emirates Stadium.

Daniel Anjorin was killed in an attack near Hainault Underground station on Tuesday; a man with dual Spanish-Brazilian nationality has been charged with his murder.

Arsenal and Bournemouth fans paid tribute to the teenager with a round of applause during the 14th minute of their Premier League clash today - and shortly after the match, which ended 3-0 for the London side, his family issued a tribute.

The statement, released by the Metropolitan Police, remembered Daniel as a 'loving and precious brother' and 'the most loved and amazing son' - and expressed best wishes to those who were injured in the attack.

Anjorin was killed as he walked to school at around 7am - suffering a fatal head wound after allegedly being struck with a samurai sword-type weapon. He died of his injuries in hospital.

'We as a family are devastated by the loss of our beloved son Daniel,' the family statement read.

'It is difficult for us at this time to process what has happened to him and that he will never come home. Daniel had left the house for school and then he was gone.

'Our children have lost their loving and precious brother and we have lost the most loved and amazing son.

'We would like to send our best wishes to the other victims of this unthinkable incident.

'We would also like to thank the local community for all of their support during this most difficult time.'

Calls were made shortly after Anjorin's identity was disclosed for the youngster to be remembered at Saturday's Premier League match.


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