How to defeat Chronos in Hades 2

Chronis in Hades 2 is the fourth and final boss that you need to defeat to complete your run of the Underworld. His fight is the greatest challenge you will face to help Melinoe extract her revenge against the Titan of Time. This fight is split into multiple phases, and Chronos can easily get overwhelming with his diverse moveset if you’re not paying attention to the fight arena or his animations.

This guide will teach you how to deal with Chronos in Hades 2, what tactics and equipment to use in each phase, and how to take him down.

The Chronos fight is split into two phases in Hades 2. The second one starts after you reduce his health to 0%. In the second phase, Chronos will transport you and himself to a new arena, gain 100% health, and acquire some brand-new moves.

Chronos has two phases and a huge pool of attacks that he can use. The range of attacks he uses only increases as you lower his health. Here is a list of all the attacks Chronos uses in his first phase:

As soon as the battle starts, you should focus on his Satyr summons. Killing them early will remove the distractions and obstacles between you and Chronos.

In the first phase, most attacks will have sufficient escape windows as long as you pay attention to Chronos’ movements. He relies on a few main moves but you should specifically look out for Scythe Throw. The attack covers a large area, and you can easily get caught in its explosion. However, you can spot this attack and dodge it by noticing his Scythe charge and glow for a brief moment before he performs this attack.

His other main move is Scythe Slash, which you can easily avoid by dashing to one side at the right moment. You can deal a massive amount of damage over time by simply dashing and attacking

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