'Lancôme' and 'Marc Jacobs' air fresheners £1.99 at Home Bargains

Home Bargains has introduced a new line of air fresheners that customers are raving about - claiming they smell 'identical' to high-end designer perfumes. The store is offering three fabric sprays from the Designer Fragrances Collection for £1.99 each.

The Tu Est Belle fabric freshener is said to share the same scent as Lancôme's La Vie Est Belle perfume. The £1.99 spray includes jasmine, patchouli, and iris - just like the luxurious £100 designer fragrance.

Home Bargains' Daisee fabric freshener has been likened to Marc Jacobs' Daisy Eau de Toilette, which typically costs around £75 for a 100ml bottle. Just like the luxury brand, the £1.99 spray features notes of jasmine and wild berries.

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Shoppers can also buy the retailer's Xalien fabric freshener for £1.99, which they say smells 'identical' to Thierry Mugler's popular Alien perfume. Like the designer brand, the 'floral and woody' fabric spray boasts of amber and jasmine.

The budget sprays were highlighted to others on popular Facebook group, Home Bargains Appreciation Society. One shopper said: "Popped in today to grab a few bits and spotted these on the way in £1.99 each! Both smell gorgeous!"

She added: "Can use them in-between using my rituals ones as they are a bit spenny to be going through them so quickly!" Many people were quick to like and comment on the post.

Another said: "I got the alien one today smells so lovely." A third said: "These are great." While another added: "The pink smells lovely and it's still on my work uni form after three days only sprayed it once as well..."

Chantelle said: "I need." Another added: "The

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