Ex-Arsenal and Tottenham players join new team in Wembley reveal to save lives after heart scares

Fabrice Muamba, Tom Lockyer, and former Tottenham player and manager Glenn Hoddle have formed an inspiring team named the 'Re-Starting 11' tasked with saving lives from heart-related conditions.

Unveiled at Wembley Stadium, the team is comprised of players and supporters who have either survived cardiac arrests or played a significant role in the lifesaving process — all committed to promoting the essential importance of CPR knowledge.

Managed by football veterans Graeme Souness and Hoddle, the 'Re-Starting 11' also includes the likes of Derby County's Megan Tinsley and Wigan Athletic's Charlie Wyke.

This line-up is leading Sky Bet and the British Heart Foundation's new campaign, 'Every Minute Matters', aimed at training an impressive 270,000 individuals, enough to fill three Wembley Stadiums, in critical lifesaving CPR over the next year.

Speaking on his involvement, Souness, who battled coronary heart disease himself in his 30s, endorsed the cause, stating: «CPR saves lives — and you only have to look at our Re-Starting 11 to see that,» reports the Daily Star.

Souness added: «It's a privilege to join a team of inspiring people, many who are only here today thanks to CPR, as we stand with Sky Bet and the British Heart Foundation to call on the nation to take action.»

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He stressed the critical nature of the situation, saying: «Every day, more than 80 people will suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the UK — and that's why we need more people to learn CPR through RevivR.

»Together we can equip thousands more fans with the knowledge

Match Supporter Player football Team Premier League performer

Christian Eriksen Graeme Souness Tom Lockyer David Ginola Glenn Hoddle


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