David Raya confirms no transfer agreement in place with Arsenal

Arsenal are yet to make a formal transfer approach for Spain star David Raya.

Raya is set to join up with the La Roja squad for Euro 2024 in the coming weeks but his club future is undecided.

The Catalan born stopper has been superb for the Gunners this season after agreeing a loan deal from Brentford for the 2023/24 campaign.

Raya has won the Premier League Golden Glove award as Arsenal narrowly missed out on the title this weekend.

The terms of his loan move from Brentford include a purchase clause of £27m which Arsenal had been expected to activate as a formality.

However, Raya was asked about his next move, and the 28-year-old admitted there is no firm update over what Arsenal will do.

“I don’t want to think too much about the future. It’s not up to me. It’s up to the club and Mikel. If my performances have been good enough, hopefully, they will offer me a contract”, as per quotes from the Daily Express.

Raya is expected to be understudy to Unai Simon at Euro 2024 with Luis de la Fuente due to announce his final squad at the start of June.

Transfer League UPS awards stars

David Raya Luis De-La-Fuente Unai Simon Arsenal


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