5 best shotguns in Fallout 4

With the best shotguns in Fallout 4, you will be able to pack a serious punch at point-blank range when enemies get up close and personal. The Wasteland's Ghouls and Mutants are often erratic and like to charge your position. In such situations, you need a weapon that is capable of sheer destruction in close quarters.

This list dives deep into the five best shotguns in Fallout 4, helping you navigate the wasteland arsenal. Whether you are a seasoned player or a fresh face joining after the next-gen update, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to choose the perfect shotgun in the Wastelands.

Note: This list is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

The Le Fusil Terribles is undoubtedly one of the best shotguns in Fallout 4. This rather unique version of the Combat Shotgun boasts impressive firepower right off the bat. However, its real advantage lies in the high magazine capacity, and improved accuracy and range, as compared to the normal variant.

Le Fusil Terribles grants the Violent perk that increases damage and limb damage by 25% but also increases your recoil by 25%. This recoil might take some getting used to.

Here are the base stats of Le Fusil Terribles:

The Justice is one of the best shotguns in Fallout 4, thanks to its unique and valuable legendary effect, Stagger. This modified variant of the Combat Shotgun boasts a pre-installed Powerful receiver, giving it a high base damage.

However, the real star of the show is Stagger. With each shot, this shotgun has a chance to interrupt and momentarily stun your opponent. This is particularly effective in close-quarters combat, creating easy opportunities to finish off Wasteland critters.

Here are the base stats of the Justice:

Read more: Why Fallout 4 is

Role-Playing Games (RPG) Open-world Games Fallout

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