‘They should have shown a little more class’ – Sonia Bompastor criticises PSG after Lyon’s title win

Sonia Bompastor has railed against Paris Saint-Germain and the new Division 1 league format after Olympique Lyonnais were crowned champions for the 17th time in their history. 

Despite ending the campaign 11 points clear of PSG, a new format in the league meant that Lyon would only be crowned champions after running the gambit of a playoff system. 

It’s a system that the Lyon head coach Bompastor thinks is an insulting way to decide a title, “ You shouldn’t do that. You can imagine tonight in the event of a defeat. You’ve gone through the season and you’re going to say to your players: ‘Well no, you’re not the best team in France.’ ” 

She continued, “ It doesn’t appreciate all the work that has been done. We have to find another solution. ” A system that has perhaps only been built because of Lyon and their incredible dominance over the league – with the club having only missed out on one title since 2007. 

Bompastor is aware that Lyon’s control over the league will make her opinion an isolated one in the context of French football, but it is no less valid: “ We’re perhaps the only ones who’ll raise their voice but we must respect Lyon’s track record and the fact that we are a real locomotive for France. ” 

Regardless of the title, Bompastor was keen to address what she felt was disrespected by her opponents on the night. “ You will say that I am a little grumpy this evening but I would have appreciated if the Parisian players would have stayed on the edge of the pitch until the end of the ceremony. ” Adding, “ They would have shown a little more class .” 

GFFN | Nick Hartland

Player Coach League Team Title Formation Aware

Nick Hartland

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