'I started a new business because I wanted my dog to be safe'

A woman who juggled three projects hopes to take her new business across the world.

Amy Wright from Liverpool, launched SkyePaws in October, a business that specialises in dog harnesses and accessories after her work as a personal trainer started to slow down. The 25-year-old has always been ambitious and has spoken to the ECHO previously about her and her partner's determination when they took on a "big project" house and were "laughed at".

Amy is still renovating the house she owns with her partner, David Lavery, she said: “We got most of the work done in two and a half months. The garden took a lot longer due to the weather, but our next plan is to do a kitchen renovation or an extension depending on the cost.”

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It was while she was juggling the renovation and still working as a PT that the idea for the SkyePaws business came along. She said the October/November period of 2023 was “quieter” with “less of an influx” of clients.

As a result, she said it gave her “more spare time to launch the brand”. The business is named after Amy’s 10-month-old Labrador Retriever Skye, who was the initial inspiration for the brand.

Amy said she’d had other dogs in the past, but Skye is “a really good puppy”. She said the aim of SkyePaws is “to provide safety and security to dogs while also bringing out new designs and fashions.”

While training Skye, she noticed that it was “a lot better” to train her on a harness, preferring it over a leash as it was “more secure and tactical.” It’s an opinion that she says other people share: “Everyone who has received an order loves it and says it feels more secure."


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