
Club owners explain why venue has been closed for almost a year

The owners of a city centre showbar have finally revealed why the venue has been closed for months.

Mystery has surrounded whether or not Pride Quarter venue Dorothy’s Showbar will be reopening or remaining closed. The company deleted all its Instagram posts and changed its bio to ‘coming soon’.

However, other than this, there has been no indication of if the club will be welcoming guests through its doors once again. The LGBTQ+ safe space shut its door in July last year - shortly just after celebrating Pride in Liverpool.

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But the owners of the venue have now confirmed that the closure is only temporary.

A spokesperson said: “Due to a burst water main pipe, Dorothy's Showbar has been left with water damage. We are currently waiting for it to be fixed and will re-open in the near future.”

United Utilities confirmed they had attended the venue and carried out CCTV investigations when the issue was first reported in July 2023. They claim they found no defects with their sewer network.

Dorothy's Showbar opened in January 2020 describing itself as a "popular haunt for some of the world’s most famous drag queens".

The news of Dorothy’s Showbar's potential reopening comes weeks after it launched a sister site, Dorothy’s Diner, just a few doors down on Victoria Street. The 1950s American diner “with a twist” offers everything from burgers and fries to pizza and milkshakes.

The twist for customers comes as they will be served and waited on by drag artists who will act as hosts and interact with guests throughout the evening.

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