Karmine Corp bought former T1 and Dplus player Canna before League of Legends LEC Summer 2024

The renowned French organization, Karmine Corp, has decided to shake up its League of Legends roaster by welcoming Canna, the former T1 and Dplus KIA Toplaner. The team finished at the bottom in both the LEC Winter and Spring splits, which resulted in them missing out on the LEC playoffs twice and an MSI qualification.

Consequently, fans can anticipate a higher level of gameplay from Karmine Corp during LEC Summer with Canna onboard. An LCK veteran, Canna played for T1, Nongshim, and Dplus KIA. Furthermore, he played alongside the current T1 members Oner, Faker, Gumayusi, and Keria. T1 replaced Canna with Zeus in 2021.

Karmine Corp is seeking to recover from an underwhelming beginning to their League of Legends LEC journey and has introduced three fresh faces to strengthen their ranks. On May 2, 2024, the team announced the following new additions to their starting lineup: Can "Closer" Çelik, Vladimiros "Vladi" Kourtidis, and Kim "Canna"Chang-dong.

Among the trio, Canna stands out as the most prominent signing. This South Korean top laner was recognized as a key player for both T1 and Dplus KIA in the LCK. Notably, he has graced the League of Legends Worlds stage twice.

Canna is replacing the French Toplaner Cabochard's shoes at Karmine Corp with high expectations resting on his shoulders.

Closer, who was previously the Jungler for the League of Legends LCS team 100 Thieves, has now taken up the same role in Karmine Corp, taking Bo's place in the squad. In addition, Vladi is their new Midlaner. He is from Karmine Corp Blue (academy team), the winners of the LFL Spring Split. The team, however, has retained their Botlane duo of Upset and Targamas.

Here is the new Karmine Corp roster:

The coaching structure at Karmine Corp is now

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