What is the Second Galactic War in Helldivers 2?

Failing the last Major Order had some grave consequences and led to the beginning of the Second Galactic War in Helldivers 2. The Helldivers had been tasked with eliminating two billion Automaton enemy types, but they couldn't hit that number. As a result, this Galactic War is now expected to escalate.

It has been revealed that getting the Helldivers to put their efforts into killing the two billion Automaton enemy types was merely part of a special operation, which was used to kick-start the real conflict. Whatever happens from here on out will be part of the escalation of the Second Galactic War in Helldivers 2.

This is a war against the enemies of democracy and Super Earth. With that in mind, let's take a closer look at what we can expect as this battle goes on.

As always, players are at the mercy of game master Joel. It was announced in April that players had only been fighting a small Vanguard from the Automaton forces, and the real action was yet to begin. So, we can expect to combat a ton of Automatons in the future. Players will be tasked with protecting Super Earth's training facilities.

New recruits are being given 72 hours of basic training to help them prepare for the Second Galactic War ahead. Once the training is complete, Super Earth could go on the offensive in an attempt to push back the Automaton forces. One way this war could escalate is with the arrival of new adversary types.

The Illuminate enemy type from the original Helldivers is expected to make its way to the sequel soon. A new war could be the perfect opportunity to bring these enemies to the fold. There have been sightings of cloaked warships and strange beams of light, so the arrival of the Illuminates could be closer than ever.


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